Clutch 2022-B6 - LBR Next Gen Miami het Hypo X Miami Tessera het Hypo
Click on "Read More" to see pics of both parents.
Update 8/5 - Pipping now! This female and her offspring are the best examples I have created and will be the start of a whole new generation. I am not 100% sure she is not homo Hypo, I may test that out in 2023.
Expecting Miamis, Hypo Miamis, and their Tessera counterparts. Pricing will be $250 and up depending on color quality.
2021 Hypo Miami and Miami offspring:
2022 Babies
Black Snow Reptiles
If a list exists please put me on it!!
Jessica Hare
This pairing makes me weak in the knees!
J. Bell
I’d love to be on the list for a non tessera male from this pairing!